PCPD Developer Apps

File Explorer 1.0
This app has been developed by the Office ofthe Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong,This app is intended for testing purpose only and therefore youneed to use it at your own risk. We cannot be held liable for anydirect or indirect loss or damage which may be resulted from youinstalling and using this app.This app is developed to demonstrate the ability for an app toread the memory of an Android device without the need to show anypermission during and after the installation process.This app has two functions:1. The "Show Folders/Files" button displays all the folders andfiles it can find from the device's memory (for Android 4.3 orearlier, it can display such data as all the pictures taken, filesdownloaded and any data other apps have chosen to store etc.; forAndroid 4.4, such data appears to have been blocked from access butthe app can still display what appears to be internal memory of thedevice). If you click on a file, it will ask you to use other appsinstalled in your device to open it;2. The "Show Pictures" button displays the thumbnails of thefirst 20 photos it can find from the device's memory (for Android4.3 or earlier only, as Android 4.4 appears to have blocked theaccess)PRIVACY POLICY:We respect your privacy and therefore disclose here everythingwe know about the impact of this app to your privacy:This app reads and displays file and folder names in yourdevice's memory. This app does not intentionally record or send(i.e.the developer has not deliberately written the app to recordor send data) anything stored in the memory of your device. We havetherefore assessed, but not collected, information on yourdevice.No third-party tools or software, apart from official Googletools, has been used to write this app so the developer does notbelieve that any third party will have access to your data as aresult.Since this app is available in Google Play, if you download orinstall it, Google Play will capture your information as describedin its terms and conditions, and may share some information withus, the developer.If you have any question about this app, please contact [email protected].